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Friday, September 22, 2017

7 Scientific Tips On How To Make Your Brain Happy!

7 Scientific Tips On How To Make Your Brain Happy!

Being truly happy is a processes that works from the inside out. In order to reduce your stress levels, stop overthinking and improve your outlook on life, you have to make a conscious decision to think positive thoughts. According to neuroscientists, becoming perfectly happy starts with your brain.

1. Talk About What Bothers You

Keeping your emotions bottled up inside won’t do you any good in the long run. You might think you’re being strong by keeping everything together. But it’s important to know that it’s OK to feel what you’re feeling. Talk about your problems and work through them instead of keeping them bottled up.

2. Touch And Embrace

Social interaction is part of being human. Embracing others is a form of physical support. Studies have shown that hugging is therapeutic. It can help relieve sickness, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.

3. Learn

Constantly acquiring new knowledge helps you adapt to a changing environment. Reading, learning a new language or learning to play an instrument allows your brain to reward its attempts to absorb and process information, through the release of dopamine, which brings you joy.

4. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress levels, keep your body healthy and clear your mind. When your workout is over, your body releases a dose of endorphins. The result is a an elevated mood, reduced pain and a happier outlook.

5. Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is directly related to your health, happiness and stress levels. When you sleep at night, your body releases melatonin. This hormone slows down all of the processes in the body to help you recover and recharge. When you don’t get enough sleep, your stress hormone is triggered. That’s why it’s so important to get a good night’s sleep!

6. Solve Problems One At A Time

When something is bothering you, it will stay in the back of your mind. You brain will constantly worry about, causing stress and anxiety. If you have a problem that needs solved, don’t push it off. Sit down and figure things out, one at a time.

7. Engage In Pleasant Expectations

Studies have shown that your brain can experience pleasure by simply anticipating a peasant event. If there’s something enjoyable on the horizon, such as a date, a birthday party or the start of a fun weekend, allow your brain to revel in the excitement!
Bright Side
Mind Body Green
Psychology Today
Psychology Today
Via: David Wolfe;

Thursday, September 21, 2017

4 Reasons Why Mentally Strong People Attract Toxic People!

4 Reasons Why Mentally Strong People Attract Toxic People!

You might think that mentally strong people are immune to toxic people. After all, they have the power to defend themselves, reject manipulation and walk away, right? Unfortunately, mentally strong people are just as susceptible to toxic people as everyone else. In fact, they attract them. Mentally strong people have some amazing personality traits, but toxic people often prey on them due to their kindness, compassion and laid back nature.
Here are four reasons why mentally strong people attract toxic people:
1. They Are An Open Book

People who are mentally strong are also honest. They don’t bother hiding their feelings or opinions from others. This trait often has a downside. It attracts toxic people, because honest people are much easier to figure out. A toxic person already knows exactly how they are feeling, so they are easier to manipulate.

2. They Have A Positive World View

Choosing to see the good in people is rare these days, but mentally strong people often look at the positives instead of the negatives. Unfortunately, toxic people can use this trait to pray on those who are mentally strong. They know they can get away with more, because a mentally strong person will choose to see the good in them.
3. They Are Laid Back

Mentally strong people have a pretty good handle on their emotions. They go with the flow and don’t get upset too easily. It’s a great quality to have, but it can also attract a toxic person. An easy-going person is much easier to manipulate, because they keep their cool and aren’t worried about a few setbacks.

4. They Are Generous With Their Time

People who are mentally strong are some of the best shoulders to cry on. They are willing to listen and comfort others in times of need. To a toxic person, this is a green light for manipulation. They often take advantage of kind and compassionate people because they believe they can get away with it.

Now, toxic people don’t always know they are toxic. A lot of the times, a toxic person has no clue they are behaving in a way that hurts others.

Life Advancer
Psychology Today
Psychology Today
Via: David Wolfe;

Friday, September 15, 2017

8 Things To Expect From People With Anxiety!

8 Things To Expect From People With Anxiety!

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million Americans over the age of 18 suffer from anxiety. That’s about 18 percent of the population!

General worry over a situation is normal. But the way to tell if you have anxiety is to keep track of how much time you spend a day worrying and obsessing. If you worry around 55 minutes a day, that’s normal. If you worry over 300 minutes a day, you probably suffer from a type of anxiety.

Anxiety can affect everyone, but some personality types are more prone to it. For example, Type A personalities are generally competitive and ambitious, which makes them more at risk. Anxiety is also found in families, though whether it’s caused by genetics or upbringing is still being studied. Withstanding stressful life events can also play a factor, as can creativity, a high IQ, and heightened sensitivity levels.

Taking all this into consideration, there’s a good chance that someone you love is fighting an ongoing battle with the disorder. Maybe you’ve already fallen for this person.

Here are 8 things you can expect from someone with anxiety:

1) They Need Their Alone Time

People with anxiety are constantly worrying, which takes up so much energy that it can leave them drained at the end of the day (or maybe even the middle!). This is especially true for introverts, who are classically known to require time alone to recharge their emotional and mental batteries. Give them the time they need and don’t take it personally.

2) They Notice Everything

Anxious people over-think and over-analyze everything. They remember and replay conversations repeatedly, double-thinking the tone of your voice or the expression on your face. And possibly coming to a false conclusion, based on their own doubts and insecurities (which, consequently, haunt them). But, on the flip side, they also appreciate even the littlest of gestures, like bringing them flowers or playing their favorite song. A brief loving moment to help them forget their troubles means the world.

3) They Value Stability

Because people with anxiety already have enough to worry about, the last thing that needs to stress them is their loved one. Every day of their life is filled with ups and downs; you need to be a constant. They don’t expect you to be perfect, but they expect you to be there.

4) They’d Prefer if You Make The Plans

Figuring out what to do next is just one more thing to stress out about. Anxious people analyze every single possible way that events could go wrong and blame themselves for ruining the evening, if only they hadn’t picked the imperfect choice. Relieving them of that burden would be heavenly.

5) They Want You to Listen

One of the most therapeutic ways of managing anxiety is to, simply, talk about it. Anxious people do not want advice. They want your ear or even a shoulder to cry on. They need to let out all the conflicting feelings they’ve been holding inside. If they go for too long without talking about their problems, it can feel like their world is caving in. If you love them, listen to them.

6) They Know That Reason Doesn’t Always Win

Sure, it would be great if an anxious person could stop caring about, say, if her sister is going to get into a car accident. Her sister is a grown adult, passed driving school with flying colors, and hasn’t ever had an accident. But anxiety doesn’t care, even though all the logic in the world proves otherwise. It’s best to accept this.

7) They Have Odd Sleep Patterns

7 out of 10 adults with anxiety claim it affects their sleep. This can take the form of insomnia, or other sleep disorders. So don’t be surprised when you get a text or e-mail at 3am.

8) They Like Plans

If you love an anxious person, then you know the value of plans! Having a definite plan or list, something they can rely on, soothes anxiety. With firm goals in mind, they won’t have to worry about forgetting anything. And you won’t have to worry about anxiety rearing up its ugly head.

To learn more about what it feels like to have anxiety, check out the following video:

Elements Behavioral Health
Very Well
Calm and Courageous
Via: David Wolfe;

12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About!

12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About!

The most common symptoms of a toothache include a sharp, throbbing or constant pain, swelling around the tooth, fever, and a headache.

In most cases, tooth pain is a result of cavities, but it might also be a result of other causes as well, such as:

* Tooth decay

* A damaged filling

* Abscessed tooth

* Infected gums/ Gum disease

* Tooth fracture

* Repetitive motions, such as chewing hard foods or grinding teeth

* Tooth eruption ( in small children)

* An abnormal bite

These days, we have numerous options to choose in order to soothe a toothache, but before modern dentistry, people used natural remedies only.

Yet, these natural alternatives are highly effective and can be of great help when you suffer from a toothache and would rather avoid visiting your dentist.

These are the twelve most effective ones:

Essential Oils

One 2014 study found that:

“Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and essential oils showed no significant difference in efficacy of both.

As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival periopathogens, too.”

For best effects, use clove, tea tree oil, peppermint, myrrh, cinnamon, and spearmint.

Peppermint Tea

A 2013 study found that peppermint oil has potent antiseptic properties which are useful against oral pathogens. You should drink peppermint tea with a teaspoon of peppermint leaves steeped for 15-20 minutes, to treat bad breath and toothaches.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is high in eugenol, which has powerful antiseptic and anesthetic properties that destroy germs and relieve gum pain. Studies have found that it is as effective as benzocaine in numbing pain.

You should combine a few drops of this oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, and using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on the painful area.  When the place is numb, remove it, and wash the mouth. You can also chew a few cloves using the painful side of the mouth.

Vanilla Extract

The scent of vanilla soothes the anxiety linked to a toothache, and its alcohol content numbs the pain. Therefore, dab vanilla extracts on the finger and rub it onto the painful tooth twice daily to relieve the pain.

Turmeric Paste

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder, several drops of peppermint oil, and a tablespoon of coconut oil, and prepare a paste. Then, brush the teeth and leave it to act for a few minutes. And rinse.

It has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and will help you fight bad breath, irritations, gum redness, and tooth stains.

Ginger Cayenne Paste

Mix cayenne and ginger in equal amounts, add some water and prepare a paste. Then, apply it on the painful place using a cotton ball, and leave it to act in order to soothe the pain and swelling, fight off infection, and control bleeding.

Salt Water Gargle

Add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of boiling water, and as soon as it cools, gargle it for half a minute. This will alleviate pain and infections, remove debris, and ease the swelling.


According to RDH, “myrrh’s astringent properties help with inflammation, and a rinse can offer the added benefit of reducing bacteria”. To prepare a homemade myrrh rinse, simmer a teaspoon of myrrh in 2 cups of water, leave it to cool, and use it several times during the day.

Raw Garlic

Garlic effectively fights fungi, bacteria, and viruses. You should crush the clove, leave it for a couple of minutes to activate its compounds, add some salt, and apply it on the painful tooth. You can also chew clove several times daily using the affected tooth.


To soothe the swelling and pain before going to the dentist, apply an ice or a cold compress on the cheek.

Chewing Gum

The area around a broken tooth, or around a tooth which lacks the filling is irritated and painful. To relieve this pain, chew a gum on the opposite side of the mouth and apply it onto the painful tooth.


Press the hand on the affected side, on the place where the base of the index finger and the thumb meet, and hold for several minutes. This will stimulate the release of endorphins, which will relieve the pain.

Sources and References:
Via: Healthy Food House;

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

More Than 15 Practical Uses For Coca Cola. This is a Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body

More Than 15 Practical Uses For Coca Cola. This is a Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body

Coca-Cola is definitely the most popular drink all around the world.

However, despite its delicious, refreshing taste, scientists have found that it is poisonous causes numerous negative effects on the body. On the other hand, they have found that it would be much more effective if used in your household!

It’s extremely acidic, and its power is the same as that of a battery acid, and its terribly high acidic levels destroy the tooth enamel. The pH value of Coca-Cola is 2.5, which is too much, as the one of the battery acid is 1, while the pH level of pure water is 7.

Therefore, even though it is not suitable or consumption, you can use it as a household cleaning product, and we give you 20 options to do so:

Wash off the grease from fabrics

it destroys slugs and snails

use it to descale a kettle

remove the blood stains from clothes

use it to clean engines

To clean the grout on the floor, pour some Coke on the floor, and wipe after a while

to eliminate the gums from the hair, soak the hair in Coke for 2 minutes, and then wipe it off

Clean the battery terminals with some Coke

polish the pennies by soaking them in some Coke

use it to clean the toilet. Pour it in the toilet bowl and leave it to act for a while. Then, just flush clean.

Pour some of it on the garage floor and then hose off to clean the oil stains.

It can be used to remove hair dyes.

clean the pool from the rusty stains by pouring 2 liters of it and leave it to act for several minutes.

polish chrome by mixing it with aluminum foil.

To clean the burnt pans, pour some Coke and leave it to dissolve the grease and dirt, and then wash the pan.

Soak a sponge, piece of fabric, or aluminum foil in Coke, and rub off the rust and rusty bolts.

You can use it to clean the vitreous china.

To clean the paint from metal furniture, soak a towel in the acidic drink, and rub it against the stains.

To eliminate marker stains, pour a bit of Coke on the carpet, scrub well, and wash it off with soapy water.

This acidic drink literally dissolves teeth, so if you keep a tooth in a sealed container with Coke, it will dissolve over time.

Soft drinks lead to severe health risks

The journal Respirology published a study which showed that soft drinks lead to lung and breathing disorders such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

People who drink soft drinks such as Coke have a 48% higher risk of getting a heart attack and stroke than people who do not like these drinks.

Plus, carbonation in Coke causes calcium loss in bones, which softens and weakens the bones, and makes them prone to damage.

Hence, if you consider these household uses of Coke, you will easily conclude that it is not suitable for consumption, as it is a great alternative for chemical-laden cleaning agents. It seriously damages the stomach lining and endangers overall health.

The 6 Step Brain Exercise Steve Jobs Used To Boost Creativity

The 6 Step Brain Exercise Steve Jobs Used To Boost Creativity

Even a seemingly calm brain can be an incredibly busy place. It’s only really through meditation that we learn to work with – not change – this level of busyness.

I like the way Steve Jobs – the quintessential creative thinker of the last 25 years – put it:

“If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things — that’s when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before.”

What Steve describes there, my friends, is Zen Meditation. Steve discovered the practice when he visited India as a young man in the 70s. In the years that followed, Steve continued to practice and hone his meditation and awareness techniques.

This was unheard of in the business world at the time. But today,

Zen Meditation is practically ubiquitous among creative business minds working everywhere from Google to Goldman Sachs.

Say, how would you like to give Zen Meditation a try in your life?

What follows are 6 simple steps put together by Geoffrey James, one of Steve Jobs’ close friends.

Step 1

Sit cross-legged in a quiet, peaceful place. According to the Hindu religion, the cross-legged pose awakens ‘kundalini’ – dormant energy in the body.

Step 2

Close your eyes and focus on your existing thoughts. Your goal is not to change them or make them simpler; all you’re trying to do is pay attention to them. Pay attention to how your thoughts jump from one topic to another. Do this for five minutes.

Step 3

That wild, crazy flow you’re observing? Buddhists refer to that as the ‘monkey mind.’ In this step, you’re going to try and shift focus to your ‘ox mind.’ The ‘ox mind’ is aware of the chaos around it but it simply contemplates life.

Step 4

As you notice yourself toying with the idea of your ‘ox mind,’ ask your brain to slow down. Don’t try to force it; just ask.

Geoffrey James recommends this method:

“Try imagining your inner ox walking unhurriedly down a country road. This mental picture should help you pacify your inner ape. Don’t expect it to fall asleep at once. Apes are naturally restless! Nevertheless, you’ll soon notice your inner ape become more placid, and less prone to hustle and bustle.”

When you feel like your ‘ox mind’ has taken over, move onto the next step.

Step 5

Continue concentrating on your ‘ox mind.’ You should feel your breathing slowing down. You’ll become aware of the sensations in your body such as the flow of air. As you open your eyes, the world should appear much different than when you first shut it out. The objects around you should appear just as your thoughts – not requiring change.

Step 6

Keep practicing this. With time, you’ll become in tune with yourself and your time spent meditating will fly right by. Ideally, this should become an instinct. Whenever you’re faced with a problem you can’t seem to solve, practice Zen Meditation.

9 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Way Too High!

9 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Way Too High!

Have you ever felt like something was off with your body, but you weren’t sure what was causing it? When something isn’t quite right with our bodies, we often experience symptoms. Symptoms are the body’s way of letting us know that there’s an underlying problem. On the surface, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds and constant hunger don’t seem to be related. But if you put them together, you might be able to find out what’s really going on. These are all symptoms of high blood sugar.

Blood in the human body naturally contains sugar in the form of glucose. The right amount of blood sugar provides energy to the body’s cells and organs. In order to keep blood sugar levels at a healthy range, the body needs insulin. Insulin is a hormone that takes blood sugar and delivers it to the body’s cells. In people with type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. In those suffering from type 2 diabetes, the body produces insulin but it is unable to use it properly.

What Causes High Blood Sugar?

When you are sick or stressed out, your body produces hormones to combat illness and stress. This can end up triggering high blood sugar. Other

causes of high blood sugar include:

* Not enough insulin or oral diabetes medication

* Eating or drinking more carbohydrates than usual

* Less activity or exercise than ususal

* Illness or infection

* Injury or surgery

* Certain medications

* Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar

When he body’s blood sugar levels are too high, they begin to create problems. Over time, the blood vessels become damaged, which can lead to many complications. High blood sugar can end up causing a heart attack or stroke, kidney disease or kidney failure and damage to the eyes or loss of vision. It can also create nerve problems in the skin, leading to sores and infections. Being able to recognize the symptoms of high blood sugar can help you catch it early and prevent it from causing permanent damage.

1. Numbness, Burning Or Tingling

High blood sugar can cause numbness, burning or tingling in the hands, legs and feet. This is caused by diabetic neuropathy, which is a complication of diabetes.

5. Constant Hunger

Without the proper amount of blood sugar to give your body energy, you may end up constantly craving food, because your body is looking for an alternative energy source.

3. Frequent Urination

High sugar in the blood ends up in the kidneys and urine, which attracts even more water. This can lead to frequent urination.

4. Increased Thirst

Along with frequent urination, sugar in the kidneys and urine can cause increased thirst.

5. Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss

When the body’s cells aren’t getting the glucose they need, the body burns muscle and fat for energy instead. This can cause sudden or unexplained weight loss. The same can also be said of weight gain, unfortunately. So it is good to keep an eye out for any type of severe weight fluctuation.

6. Fatigue

When the body’s cells aren’t able to access blood sugar for energy, a person can end up feeling constantly fatigued.

7. Difficulty Concentrating

When your body is unbalanced, your mind also suffers. High blood sugar can cause difficulty concentrating and problems with memory.

8. Slow Healing

High blood sugar can cause damage to the nerves. If you notice your cuts or wounds have been healing very slowly, it might be a good idea to get your blood sugar checked.

9. Dizziness Or Blurred Vision

Dizziness and blurred vision, especially if brought on suddenly, should never be ignored. High blood sugar could be the underlying cause for both of these symptoms.

Praneeth Madush

I'm a young cyber security researcher. I have a strong passion for programming. So I known about PHP,Android App Development, and C#.